Island of Lobos

  Isla de   Lobos



     Isla de Lobos is an islet of the Atlantic Ocean, north of Fuerteventura. It is also a hamlet of the municipality of La Oliva, in the province of Las Palmas, Canary Islands.

     It is a small island of about 4.5 km² located northeast of the island of Fuerteventura. Separated by the strait known as EL RIO, due to the currents that act during the periods of high tide and low tide, and whose depth does not exceed 15 meters. The island can be seen clearly from Corralejo.

      Its name is due to the fact that in the past they lived on the island monk seals or Mediterranean monk (also known as sea lions), now in danger of extinction. As they say, the fishermen eliminated the species because they thought that their voracity reduced the marine resources of the area. Each of these animals needs between 30 and 40 kg of fish per day. Efforts are being made to reintroduce sea lions.
 In memory of the animals that gave the name to the Isla de Lobos, a statue of monk seals welcomes all those who visit it.

Playa de la Concha on the Isla de Lobos.
     Isla de Lobos has been declared a Natural Park, ZEPA (Special Bird Protection Area), IBA (Important Area for Birds) and LIC (Site of Community Interest). For this reason, and despite having numerous cliffs, coves and paradisiacal beaches, you can only access La Concha beach and El Puertito cove.
     The entire island is protected and forms the Islote de Lobos Natural Park. It houses more than 130 plant species and several species of birds, highlighting the silver gull, the great bustard (at certain times of the year) and the gray shearwater. The seabed is an underwater reserve area and contains a great ecological wealth.
Its maximum height is in La Caldera, of 127 m.

     History, population and tourism. 

Recent archaeological research by a team from the University of La Laguna has concluded that the Romans came to establish a settlement at least seasonal on the island, related to obtaining the precious purple dye.

Currently the visitors of the islet are fishermen, tourists, bathers, divers and surfers, since there is a wave of rights of high quality at the base of La Caldera. To get to the island, there is a regular shipping service that connects with Corralejo, which provides food to the island and visitors. There is a restaurant run by the descendants of Antoñito, as well as a camping area.

In Lobos was born the Spanish writer Josefina Pla, who has a statue on the island, next to the visitor center.
What can you visit on this island?
       In Isla de Lobos, not only the beaches and the coves are places to visit, but you can also enter it through the different paths, and discover the nature and unspoiled landscapes that form it. On this route that begins in the southern part of the island, you will visit places such as the Caldera volcano, which created the islet. If you climb the volcano you can see Lanzarote and the Dunes of Corralejo. The route ends at the northern point of Isla de Lobos where the Martiño lighthouse is located.

       On this tour you will come across Canary Island vegetation, such as Limonium ovalifolium ssp or Phoenix canariensis, also known as the Canary Island palm tree. You can also observe a large number of seabirds. Cinderella shearwaters, shearwaters, fish eagles, curlews and plovers are some of the birds that fly over Isla de Lobos. In addition, the islet has one of the best seabeds in the Atlantic.

       You must bear in mind that Isla de Lobos only has one restaurant. If you want to make sure you have a table to eat, you should do it as soon as you get to the island or bring prepared food.
Ready to enjoy a great day? Go for it! Do not forget to tell us your experience if you have decided to embark on this impressive excursion.

Isla de Lobos is a mandatory stop on your holidays in Fuerteventura. An incredible virgin beach with crystal clear waters and white sand awaits you in the northeast of Fuerteventura for an unforgettable day.


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   They dominate the species adapted to the high salinity of the environment. More than 130 plant species are concentrated, some of them exclusive to the island. The Joya de la Flora is the evergreen (Limonium ovalifolium canariense) (endemic to the island), which together with the sea grape (Zigophyllum fontanesii), the salty ( Sancocornia fructicosa) and other evergreens (Limonium papillatum and L. tuberculatum), constitute the most representative vegetation of Las Lagunitas.

    Other halophilic plants present are the sallow woolly (Chenoleoides tomentosa), the gorse (Launaea arborescens), the balancón (Traganum moquinii), the hawthorn (Licium intricatum), the bitter tabaiba (Euphorbia obtusifolia), etc.

    The magnificent examples of sweet tabaiba (E. balsamifera) stand out


      Formerly, monk seal populations (Monachus monachus) were concentrated in the Island, which gave the name to the Islet.

       In the park, the different marine birds that nest in cliffs such as the Cinderella shearwater (Calonectris diomedea), the common paiño (Hydrobates pelagicus), the Bulwer petrel, the guincho (Pandionaliaetusssp.haliaetus), or the yellow-legged gull (Larus cachinans) stand out. , the herons and egrets.

      If you want to know more about Isla de lobos, you can take a virtual tour here.

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